
  • Fröhlich, Christian, 2012: Civil Society and the State Intertwined: The Case of Disability NGOs in Russia. East European Politics 28, 4: 371-389.
  • Fröhlich, Christian and Alexander Leistner, 2012: Review on “Nepstad, Sharon Erickson (2011) Nonviolent Revolutions: Civil Resistance in the Late 20th Century.” Journal of Peace Research 49, 1: 265.
  • Fröhlich, Christian, 2010: Walking the Tightrope. Russian Disability NGOs’ Struggle with International and Domestic Demands. In: Fischer, Sabine and Heiko Pleines (eds.): Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe. Successes and Failures of Europeanisation in Politics and Society. Changing Europe Book Series Vol. 7. Stuttgart: Ibidem Publishers, pp. 77-87.
  • Christian Fröhlich, 2009: Ausschluss vs. Integration? Der gesellschaftliche Umgang mit Behinderung in Russland und Deutschland. In: SWS-Rundschau (49.Jg.) Heft 3/ 2009: 293–313 (Volltext als PDF)